Scotty Cameron

The Art of Putting

Putter Selection Guide


Putters Are Personal

Many players pick a shape that complements their stroke. Technical strokes tend to prefer square shapes and mechanical necks. Players that want to rid themselves of technical thoughts tend towards softer lines and flowing necks.

All Scotty Cameron putters are precision milled so the critical angles of the face, sole and shaft ensure each putter sits squarely. Each head is shaped and softened to flow to the ground and inspire confidence at address.


Putters Are Not Pendulums

Putters do not swing vertically back and through along the target line. Because of lie angle, the proper putting stroke moves along an arcing path: slightly inside of the target line, back to square, then to the inside again after impact.

The proper length putter correctly sets eye position just inside the target line, and the correct amount of toe flow allows the putter to flow squarely to the proper arcing path throughout the stroke.

Toe Flow

Everyone Needs Toe Flow

In order for the putter head to move squarely along the proper arcing path, the toe of the putter must "flow" throughout the stroke. How and where the neck or shaft of the putter joins the head determines its toe flow.

Be sure to choose a putter that either flows naturally along the proper arching path, or helps to correct it. This will reduce the tendency to manipulate the putter face with your hands. The best way to find the toe flow that corrects or complements your stroke is to hit straight, flat putts from 20 feet to see what works best.


Length Sets Eye Position

If your putter is too long, your setup posture will be too upright with your eyes set too far inside the target line. If your putter is too short, your setup posture will be too hunched over with your eyes set too far outside the target line.

The ideal putter length sets your eyes 1-2" inside of the target line to allow you to execute the proper arcing putting stroke while maintaining good posture and balance.


Position Affects Performance

Neck design/position on a putter head affects putter performance. Shorter necks or shaft bends increase toe flow, resulting in a putter that swings more freely in an arc.

Longer necks or shaft bends decrease toe flow, supporting a less arcing stroke. Shaft axis closer to a putter's heel increases flow, while shaft axis closer to the center (like straight shafted putters) produces a face-balanced putter for a straighter, more mechanical stroke.


Complement the Design

A grip should complement the design of the putter. Smaller grips promote a more flowing, arcing stroke and generally pair well with higher toe flow putters. Larger grips promote a more “square to square” putting stroke and pair well with face balanced putters. Choose a grip that feels good in your hand and supports the design of your putter and your stroke type.


Loft & Lie

Scotty Cameron Putter Studio research shows that a ball pushes down slightly into the grass on a green, and that 3.5° of loft is needed to lift the ball up and on to the surface for a smooth roll.

The key to finding the proper lie angle is finding the correct putter length. Standard lie angle works for the vast majority of players if they have the correct length.



For most players, the standard Scotty Cameron weight configuration will produce the ideal balance and feel to execute the proper stroke. If your stroke tends to decelerate, if your hands get too active, or if you have too much wrist break, you should consider a putter that is heavier overall.

Explore Scotty Cameron Putters

Meticulously crafted from the finest materials, every Scotty Cameron putter is a work of art designed to perform at the highest level.

Studio Style Putters Phantom Putters


Studio Style RH/LH Lengths  Loft
Toe Flow
Featured Grip
Newport RH 33", 34", 35" 3.5° 70° I-Beam Plumbing Medium Full Shaft Full Contact Slim
Newport Plus RH 33", 34", 35" 3.5° 70° I-Beam Plumbing Medium Full Shaft Full Contact Slim
Newport 2 RH/LH 33", 34", 35" 3.5° 70° I-Beam Plumbing Medium Full Shaft Full Contact Slim
Newport 2 Plus RH 33", 34", 35" 3.5° 70° I-Beam Plumbing Medium Full Shaft Full Contact Slim
Newport 2.5 Plus RH/LH 33", 34", 35" 3.5° 70° I-Beam Jet Near Maximum 3/4 Shaft Full Contact Slim
Squareback RH 33", 34", 35" 3.5° 70° Mid Single Bend Near Minimum Full Shaft Full Contact Slim
Squareback 2 RH 33", 34", 35" 3.5° 70° I-Beam Plumbing Medium Full Shaft Full Contact Slim
Squareback 2 Long Design RH/LH 38" 3.5° 70° I-Beam Plumbing Medium Full Shaft Long Design*
Fastback RH 33", 34", 35" 3.5° 70° Mid Single Bend Minimum Full Shaft Full Contact Slim
Fastback Long Design RH 38" 3.5° 70° Mid Single Bend Minimum Full Shaft Long Design*
Fastback 1.5 RH/LH 33", 34", 35" 3.5° 70° I-Beam Jet Near Maximum 3/4 Shaft Full Contact Slim
Catalina RH/LH 33", 34", 35" 3.5° 70° Mid Single Bend Near Minimum Full Shaft Full Contact Slim

Toe Flow Offset
Featured Grip
Phantom 5
33", 34", 35"
Mid Single Bend
Full Shaft
Full Contact
Phantom 5.2 RH 33", 34", 35" 3.5°  70° I-Beam Plumbing Medium  Full Shaft  Full Contact
Phantom 5.5
33", 34", 35"
I-Beam Jet
Near Minimum
3/4 Shaft
Full Contact
Phantom 5s
33", 34", 35"
Straight Shaft Minimum Zero Full Contact
Phantom 7
33", 34", 35"
Mid Single Bend
Full Shaft
Full Contact
Phantom 7.2 RH  33", 34", 35" 3.5°  70°
I-Beam Plumbing
Full Shaft
Full Contact
Phantom 7.5
33", 34", 35"
I-Beam Jet
Near Minimum
3/4 Shaft
Full Contact
Phantom 9
33", 34", 35"
Mid Single Bend Minimum
Full Shaft
Full Contact
Phantom 9.5
33", 34", 35"
I-Beam Jet
Near Minimum
3/4 Shaft
Full Contact
Phantom 11
33", 34", 35"
Mid Single Bend Minimum
Full Shaft
Full Contact
Phantom 11.5
33", 34", 35"
Low Single Bend Near Minimum
3/4 Shaft
Full Contact
Phantom 11 Long Design
Mid Single Bend Minimum
Full Shaft
Long Design*

*The only grip available for the Phantom 11 Long Design is the 17-inch Long Design custom grip.

Scotty Cameron Showcase Partners

A network of destinations that are equipped with a complete selection of Scotty Cameron putters to help you find the correct model and specifications for your game.

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