Surefit adjustment- impact on Driver spin rate

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By Jamie L

  • 1 Reply
  1. Jamie L

    Jamie L
    Winnipeg, MB

    I have a highly technical question for those who are up to the challenge. I have regular access to a Trackman and often use it for my own personal "fittings". Recently I have been playing around with my two driver heads- TSR2 and TSR3 both in 10* in the same shaft (HZRDUS Smoke Black 6.0). I was trying to see which of the heads was a better fit for me and tested each at 10* and at 9.25*. What I discovered was counterintuitive to what I previously believed.

    In 5 of the 6 sessions where I compared a driver head in 10* and delofted to 9.25* (by way of Surefit adjustment), I found there was an increase in spin of between 100-250rpm. According to Titleist Club Fitting manuals, reducing the loft of a club should reduce spin (300rpm for every 1*, I believe). I have found this to be the case when comparing T100 vs T100s irons or comparing a 9* head vs a 10* head but it doesn't seem to hold true when loft is manipulated by the Surefit sleeve, at least in my case.

    I am a 5 handicap and have a relatively consistent swing. When I compare the Dynamic Loft and Spin Loft numbers of the head in 10* vs 9.25*, I am more often than not seeing lower Dynamic and Spin Loft in the delofted head (9.25*) but it is resulting is higher spin for some reason.

    I am curious if these result are consistent with with Titleist or club fitters have found. The only explanation I can think of is that when adjust the Surefit sleeve to deloft a driver, it raise raises the Center of Gravity which increases spin.

  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    To correct your last statement, lowering the CG generally increases spin.

    To get to the larger point. What are your sidespin and face angle numbers like? When change the loft of the driver, you are also changing face angle, simply by the way the adapter is designed. So, when you decrease the loft, the face will slightly open. That could potentially increase sidespin (specifically if you hit a cut) and increase overall spin. A better test would be to get 9 and 10 degree heads in the same model and test them against one another in same setting.

    This is why it's critical to get the correctly lofted head and get fit into the correct settings at the time of the fitting. Tinkering after the fact certainly changes the way a club performs, and may not end up in an optimal result.

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