Shaft Options for GT Series-High CHS

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By Lucas B

  • 3 Replies
  1. Hello everyone,

    My club fitter only has the stock shaft options for a GT series fitting. He said he can get the more unique shafts from the local Titleist rep but he needs a list of what I want to try out a week or two before my fitting. I’m looking for some help determining what to get in-hand to try out from fitters or others that have a similar swing profile as me.

    For reference I have a quick transition from the top of the swing. CHS with driver is consistently 115-120. When I want to get after it, I can get it in the low 120’s. I’m currently using a 70 g, 6.5 Hzrdus Smoke Green to kill as much spin as possible paired with my TSR2. I already have a high launch window with my driver so that’s not much of a concern for me. Because I’m quick from the top, I prefer a heavier shaft in all of my clubs, hence the 70 g driver shaft.

    So let’s hear it. What kinds of shafts should I be looking to try out with the GT’s?

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Glad he is willing to go the extra mile.

    Your Titleist representative is either a trained fitter or works with fitters working for Titleist sponsored fittings. Someone in the chain of Titleist fittings can probably supply more factual suggestions than the opinions of the end user crowd here.

  3. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    You're going to get a better answer from your club fitter than from us. He knows your swing better than we do, and probably better than you do, and if you give him the same information he should be able to come up with a variety of shafts for you to try.
  4. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Considering probably close to 80% of tour players play Ventus Black, that's probably a great place to start. Also something like a Tour AD VF or even the stock Tensei Black 1K would be similar profile.

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