RCT Balls, How long are they lasting for you?

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By JYoung

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  1. JYoung


    I've noticed I'm getting less distance out of them over the last month or two. Thought it could just be the cold weather, my garage is not heated, but when I switched out to a new ProV1x non RCT this morning I got about 15 yards more carry on average with my 5 iron. This was after hitting with the old RCT's. Shorter irons were a smaller gain but still a noticeable gain. Been using these balls since late last summer. Probably 1000+ hits on each ball.

    My main question is how long or how many hits should I expect to get out of these balls before I see a dramatic loss in performance? I searched back through several pages of threads but didn't see anything on this topic. Thanks for any input.

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