U505 club length

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By Michael L

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  1. Michael L

    Michael L
    Brough, 0


    I have been looking at purchasing a 2-iron for off the tee as the course I play is not the longest off the tee and hitting driver slight off center can get you a lot of trouble.

    I already have Titleist clubs (AP2 from many moons ago), they were fitted and as I am 6'5" they are a little upright (1 deg I think) and a bit longer (1.25 inch I think).

    Now I went to a test the U505 - 2-iron (18 deg) but the fitter (not Titleist) didn't say anything about length, is this something I should be considering for this club? is it even something that is possible for this club?

    I was able to hit the club fairly well (within my limits), it was going 210-230 when I hit it pure which is where I need it to go, but it was going out to the right (but that could be my swing), I am OK with it going out right as the dispersion was not massive (like it is with my Driver)

    Your guidance would be appreciated as it is not cheap and I would rather get the right thing.

    Many Thanks

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