StaDry Cart Bag

Follow Thread

By CGriffin

  • 2 Replies
  1. Titleist used to sell a Cart 15 StaDry Bag but it shows out of stock online but available "soon":

    There is also a Cart 14 StaDry available in Europe:

    Any thoughts on why there is not a Cart StaDry available in the US anymore? Or when it might come back?

  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Go to Amazon. $365. Black. If you are in a hurry to get it, or you can wait around and see if they are released again on line on this site.
  3. Thomas Y

    Thomas Y
    Wenham, MA

    Hopefully it is just a transition into the new model bags. Like clubs, the bags are on update schedules. I don't remember what the timing is for carry bags vs cart bags, though. Good things come to those who are patient!

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