It’s funny, I never believed anyone who said “If you think about getting a hole-in-one, you’re not about to get it!
My round was already shot at my home course in Livonia, NY. Had 3 holes left! #16 was playing 148 yards, middle/front right pin position.
Playing the 2021 T100S’, I usually pull my 145 pitching wedge. Most days there’s a helping wind BUT THAT day, the wind was blowing about 10mph more than your average day. Decided instead of P wedge, I’d use my 135 yard long, 50 degree Vokey, and try to ride the wind into the pin!
Playing like hot garbage the past 15 holes that day, I’d be lying if I said getting my first ace was even remotely on my mind. Being left handed (thank you genetics) I hit a baby 3-4 yard draw from left to right, just as I had imagined it while visualizing my shot.
Ball came down about 2.5ff to the left of the pin, one hopped, dunking into the hole. I am a 6 handicap so it’s not uncommon to visualize my shots, but this Ace looked better than anyway I could have drawn it up
The cherry on top? My best friend and father was in my 4-some and I got to celebrate it with the greatest man that I know :-)