Watch: TPI Investigates Potential Causes and Effects of Early Extension with the 2023 Pan Am Games Champion

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By Rick V., Team Titleist Staff

  • 4 Replies
  1. Team Titleist Staff

    Our friends at TPI just shared some great new insights into the body-swing-connection. Dr. Greg Rose and Dave Phillips recently worked with Titleist Pro V1x player Sofia Garcia, the 2023 Pan Am Games Champion. Sofia traveled to TPI with some questions about her ball striking, her short game and a recent wrist injury.

    As they do with every player who visits TPI, Greg and Dave first conducted a physical screen to uncover any physical limitations that could have been contributing to Sofia's present issues. After identifying a potential power loss, they moved on to analyzing Sofia's golf swing using force plate and 3D Motion Capture technology. As you'll see in the video above, each tool that Greg and Dave employed helped to connect a series of dots that would eventually paint the full picture of Sofia's unique swing. Armed with this information, Sofia now has a plan in place that will help improve the weaknesses in her game and extend the longevity of her career.

    Click here to read the full story. 

    Dive deeper into our world-class golf fitness, health, and swing advice at

  2. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Man, what I wouldn't give to spend a few hours with him dissecting my swing and finding where my issues are. I could watch these all day.
  3. Scott D

    Scott D

    What a great video. Excellent information. Thank you Dr. Rose
  4. Wow, interesting how we all various swings and approaches to hitting the ball!

    It was good that the order or a normal swing is step, drop etc...

    Thanks for sharing!
  5. Fred Closs

    Fred Closs
    Denton, TX

    Being steeper vs shallow in the short game makes a lot of sense. It'll be something to watch on my pitches.

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