Winter people.. What are you doing?

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By Jon T

  • 45 Replies
  1. Jon T

    Jon T
    Iowa City / Cedar Rapids, Iowa


    It's that time of year again. Courses have all been closed since mid-November, the honeymoon phase of simulator golf has worn off and no longer creates the same levels of desire, the putting mat feels like there are paths worn to the cups, and when I convince myself to pick up any club - my swing just feels gross. I have winter golf blues and don't know how to get out of them. What are all my other vitamin-D deficient brethren doing to stay motivated and engaged this time of year? Do I just need to suck it up and disappear to the south for a week?

  2. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    I'm fortunate to live where we golf year 'round. This time of year, things can be wet and slushy out on the course, so it's important to have the right gear for the right occasion. I'll keep a couple of packs of HotHands for those cold mornings which work perfectly for the 3.5 hrs I normally play. As you mentioned, traveling to warm weather areas might be your only option from simulator golf.

    Check out the TT Events page to see if there's one you can attend in the next couple of months.
  3. Brian D

    Brian D
    Corunna, MI

    I waited until now to get on a sim just to avoid the mid-winter blues, haha. Instead I've been buying golf gear just to keep me from going completely dormant.
  4. Bryce D

    Bryce D
    Benton, IL

    Same here. I drive to a heated driving range once a month and go to an indoor simulator 1 once a week in the winter. My t100's are arriving this week and i cant wait to give them a try.
  5. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Still playing if temperature is above 40* and it's not raining.
  6. Len D

    Len D

    It’s the perfect time to shop for new clubs. ;-)

    I just discovered the Titleist Certified site and am looking at old/new wedges.
  7. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Waiting for spring!
  8. Chipping with foam golf balls in my loft area. It’s going to be a long winter.
  9. JYoung


    I'd like to get out tomorrow before the Rose Bowl starts. Mid 30's in the afternoon but we have had so much rain might not be any place open. Can't play all year unless you start on the first.
  10. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    Several years ago they invented this thing called an automobile. You can get in it and drive to a warmer location. They usually have room in them for your clubs and a few snacks. They also have heaters that make the drive a little more pleasurable. Hit the road!!!
  11. we also shut down mid-november. And already took the warm weather trip.
    Now it's mucking it out in the sim until march, blech haha
  12. Fred L

    Fred L

    Still playing here on North Shore of Long Island. 10 days ago snowed on during the round but today on New Years Eve and close to 50 and also on the 1st will be close to the same..
  13. Brian C

    Brian C
    Fort Wayne, IN

    Going stir crazy!!
  14. Steve M

    Steve M
    Hatboro, PA

    I have meetings in West Palm next week so heading down Saturday. Playing The Park, High Ridge and possible the Palm Beach Par 3. Have new Vokey's to break in. Once home, clubs going to Titleist for a spa day - checking lies, loft, etc.

    Once back, they'll get a rest until April (I'm a CPA).

  15. Titleist Fan 179

    Titleist Fan 179
    Middleburg hts, OH

    Heading down south later this witner! Cant wait.
  16. Now that the holidays are over, all I can think about is Spring! I am already going crazy here. Jan and Feb are absolutely awful months waiting for golf again. I do the indoor sims and try to hit the range when it’s warm enough with heaters on, but that is not as often as I like. Next two weeks are a high of 27 degrees. Just awful.
  17. Darryl M

    Darryl M
    Wichita, KS

    I wait it out, my January & February months are reflection time on what I am going to tackle in the season to come.
    Right now, my clubs are getting new grips. Looking at new bag maybe, have gone and chipped and putted some.
    Temps heading into low 20's for about 6 days they said with wind chills.

    December is usually the last month I can play a solid round of golf in. I chose to do some range work instead of a round of golf. we had several days with 25 mph winds and even at 55 degrees it's a bit chilly.

    So, I just wait it out until stable weather. (45+ degrees) and I can swing a club more frequently.

  18. Jon T said:

    It's that time of year again. Courses have all been closed since mid-November, the honeymoon phase of simulator golf has worn off and no longer creates the same levels of desire, the putting mat feels like there are paths worn to the cups, and when I convince myself to pick up any club - my swing just feels gross. I have winter golf blues and don't know how to get out of them. What are all my other vitamin-D deficient brethren doing to stay motivated and engaged this time of year? Do I just need to suck it up and disappear to the south for a week?

    ha ha. So true. Last year I did the Simulator at end of January, got a 3 month head start. Paid dividends. I may want an extra month or if I get too bored, I wlll go back to simulator in a few weeks.
  19. Eric N

    Eric N

    Investing in the home simulator has already paid for itself and is the next best thing during the winter months here in New England.
    Post Image
  20. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Sign up for the San Diego events in February.
  21. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Spring will be here before yo know it!
  22. Kyle J

    Kyle J
    Brookfield, WI

    I tend to take a break from golf until after the Holidays. During the break, I focus more on fitness with an emphasis on hip/spine mobility. Age has a way of humbling us. The time off and investment in physical conditioning typically result in an excited transition into my winter simulator league (early January - mid March). A few early spring trips to warmer climates for some actual outdoor golf don't hurt either.
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