More Exciting News... Welcome Micah Morris to Team Titleist

Follow Thread

By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 4 Replies
  1. Team Titleist Staff

    In case you missed it... we're excited to welcome Micah Morris to Team Titleist! We recently had Micah at TPI to go through a full bag fitting and also meet with Dave and Greg to go through a TPI Experience, and he had the cameras rolling for it all. Check out the video above for a preview of some of the great content that will be coming soon.

    Make sure you subscribe to his channel and also don't forget to welcome Micah to the family.

    - Mike

  2. Dalton K

    Dalton K
    Acton, CA

    Wow! Congrats to Micah for signing with such a premiere company! Pretty cool to see Titleist making the move into the YouTube Golf space, looking forward to following his journey!
  3. Dino S

    Dino S

    such an awesome video! This has me really interested in the TPI Fitting Day later this year!
  4. Jon T

    Jon T
    Iowa City / Cedar Rapids, Iowa

    Exceptional stick and great addition to TT! Lord only knows how many YT hours I've logged watching him on his channel and others over the years. Now they just need to pull Garrett and Grant away from TM and Cally!
  5. Steve M

    Steve M
    Hatboro, PA


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