PSA-It puts the lotion on!!!!

Follow Thread

By SHenderson

  • 9 Replies
  1. Just a friendly reminder to all of my sun loving golfing guys and gals. Put the lotion on!!!!!!!!!

    I am entering my second surgery for skin cancer (Mohs) on the nose. I've always had the wife hammering me to "put the lotion on", which I ignore. Now that I'm taking another trip under the knife, I must say I wish I had listened. It doesn't take much to put it on.


    You could stare down the tip of your nose as they zoom in with the needle a few times, then the procedure (I won't go into it). It's easy to avoid. I wish you all the best and hope you follow my lead.


  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Yep, I was in there today getting stitches out of the nose and removing another spot by my left ear. Had the nose done last year too. Most of the damage was actually done years ago but using sunscreen and brimmed hats now are still important and helpful. Don’t wait until your later years, protect yourself.
  3. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Great reminder! Another option for those who dislike "putting the lotion on," Titleist offers excellent headgear offerings that help shade the vunerable areas of your head. I like using the the Breezer bucket hat and I also have the wide brimmed Aussie hat for extra sun protection.
  4. Doesnt sound like fun, Thanks for the reminder!
  5. Steve M

    Steve M
    Hatboro, PA

    sorry you had to go through this again. Wishing you all the success possible with the procedure.

    Thanks for the friendly reminder to not only apply sunscreen, but also for the annual trip to the dermatologist. I get checked annually and the doctor is also a member at my CC. Seeing him is also a reminder to get checked.

  6. Great message. So true. Both of my parents got skin cancer and same I finally listened to my wife last summer and started wearing sunscreen.
  7. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    For old farts like myself, I do the best I can, but most damage occurred decades ago. So I also get to enjoy the offseason with chemical oblation for scaling skin. Anything beyond that is a trip to the office.
    Any with offspring should send this message to them to start now protecting their skin so they can avoid my offseason routines.
  8. ScottyC50

    Painesville, Ohio, USA

    I acquired metastatic melanoma 2 years ago under my hat. It spread to my lungs. I had 2 years of Keytruda and it saved my life. Each treatment was $111,000. I hit my insurance deductible on the first treatment. I am now in remission.

    I say this to encourage you to use your sunscreen. I do and did. It can only help. You don't want to go throw all of all of that if you don't need to.
  9. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    To all the TT members who live in the sun belt states and play year-round, apply in the winter months also. the sun is still strong enough to do damage. Also don't forget to apply on practice days on the range. I always carry a can of Neutrogena Beach Defense 60 spray. 1 shot before the 1st tee and a reapply at the turn. I also see a Dermatologist once a year. You can't mess around with the sun.
  10. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Great advice Frank and sprays work really well. I use the CVS SPF 100. Just remember, step away from greens and tee boxes while using sunscreen spray. It kills the grass.

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