Seeking some Vokey Wedge info

Follow Thread

By Frank M

  • 4 Replies
  1. I had a 50 degree 250.08 and I am looking to upgrade to a newer model. What would be a comparable bounce & grind in a SM9 or SM10?

    TIA! Frank

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    They only offer the F grind in the pitching and gap lofts. That would match up with the older ones. Choose 48, 50, or 52 based on whatever fits your current iron gap if you have updated those since you first started using the 250.08. They do offer them in the 8 degree bounce you have or the 12 degree which helps a bit more in softer conditions. If you want the closest match possible, it’s the 50.08F.
  3. Thomas B

    Thomas B
    West Hartford, CT

    I actually just went through this process and decided on the 48.08. Great club.
  4. F grind
  5. I just picked up a older vokey wedge and was wondering how to get any information from the serial number?

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